The Associates of Arts (AA) in Interdisciplinary Studies: Theatre and Film is a transfer degree designed for motivated students who know they are passionate about theatre and filmmaking. Most theatre programs don’t teach you about film acting or filmmaking. Most film programs don’t teach you about acting or directing actors. This program changes all that. You will experience the best of both worlds and learn how they interact and influence each other. The theatre side of the program provides opportunities to write plays, direct, act, and work in technical capacities. The film side will give you opportunities to practice screenwriting, directing, cinematography, editing, sound recording, and other technical responsibilities. The hallmark of this program is essentially unlimited opportunity to produce original, creative work in theater and film. Upon completion of the degree, students will be prepared for pursuing a Bachelor’s degree or entering the entertainment industry.

Film Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
FILM 1000Introduction to Film3
FILM 1100Film Production I4
FILM 1400Screenwriting I3
FILM 2000Film Production II3
FILM 2380Cinema History3

Theatre Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
THEA 1100Acting I3
THEA 2030Beginning Playwriting3
THEA 2470Directing Practicum1

Students must choose three (3) credits from the following courses:

Course Number Course Credits
THEA 1040Production Crew I0.5
THEA 2055Rehearsal and Performance1
Students must choose six (6) credits from the following courses:
Course Number Course Credits
COMM 1480Media Arts:3
FILM 1300Editing3
FILM 2100Cinematography3
FILM 2300Directing3
FILM 2400Screenwriting II3

Students must choose six (6) credits from the following courses:

Course Number Course Credits
THEA 1700Voice for the Actor2
THEA 2010Theatrical Backgrounds Drama I3
THEA 2020Theatrical Backgrounds Drama II3
THEA 2100Acting II3
THEA 2160Stage Make-Up2
THEA 2220Stagecraft3
THEA 2405Theatre Seminar3
THEA 2720Intro to Stage Combat2
Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS (in program)
HUM (in program)
LSCI 4 credits
MATH 3 credits
ORAL 3 credits
SOC 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 61